Courtesy of Daniel Coburn
The FlakPhoto Booklist
FlakPhoto creator Andy Adams has curated this collection of 101 'Must See' photography book titles drawn from the library's collection. These books will be available for reading on the 2nd floor of the Central Library, September 26 - October 30, and are for in-house use only for the duration of the exhibit. Patrons may reserve books for checkout once the exhibit ends. This booklist is offered in conjunction with the FlakPhoto Midwest Print Show.
Abbott, Berenice - Photographs
Abell, Sam - The Life of a Photograph
Adams, Ansel - The Portfolios
Adams, Robert - To Make it Home: Photographs of the American West
Anderson, Dave - Rough Beauty
Arbus, Diane - Untitled
Atget, Eugene and Szarkowski, John - Atget
Avedon, Richard - In the American West
Abell, Sam - The Life of a Photograph
Adams, Ansel - The Portfolios
Adams, Robert - To Make it Home: Photographs of the American West
Anderson, Dave - Rough Beauty
Arbus, Diane - Untitled
Atget, Eugene and Szarkowski, John - Atget
Avedon, Richard - In the American West
Beahan, Virginia and McPhee, Laura - No Ordinary Land: Encounters in a Changing Environment
Bey, Dawoud - Class Pictures
Brandt, Bill - Brandt Nudes: A New Perspective
Bullock, Wynn - The Enchanted Landscape: Photographs 1940-1975
Bey, Dawoud - Class Pictures
Brandt, Bill - Brandt Nudes: A New Perspective
Bullock, Wynn - The Enchanted Landscape: Photographs 1940-1975
Callahan, Harry - Harry Callahan
Caponigro, Paul - Masterworks from Forty Years
Carter, Keith - Photographs: Twenty-Five Years
Chelbin, Michel - Strangely Familiar: Acrobats, Athletes, and Other Traveling Troupes
Christenberry, William - William Christenberry
Close, Chuck and Holman, Bob - A Couple of Ways of Doing Something
Cohen, Mark - True Color
Conniff, Gregory - Common Ground: An American Field Guide
Cunningham, Imogen - Imogen Cunningham: Portraiture
Caponigro, Paul - Masterworks from Forty Years
Carter, Keith - Photographs: Twenty-Five Years
Chelbin, Michel - Strangely Familiar: Acrobats, Athletes, and Other Traveling Troupes
Christenberry, William - William Christenberry
Close, Chuck and Holman, Bob - A Couple of Ways of Doing Something
Cohen, Mark - True Color
Conniff, Gregory - Common Ground: An American Field Guide
Cunningham, Imogen - Imogen Cunningham: Portraiture
Davidson, Bruce - Subway
Davis, Tim - My Life in Politics
Deal, Joe - Between Nature and Culture: Photographs of the Getty Center
diCorcia, Philip-Lorca - A Storybook Life
Disfarmer, Mike - Disfarmer: The Vintage Prints
Fink, Larry - Social Graces
Frank, Robert - The Americans
Frazier, Danny Wilcox - Driftless: Photographs from Iowa
Friedlander, Lee - Lee Friedlander Portraits
Frank, Robert - The Americans
Frazier, Danny Wilcox - Driftless: Photographs from Iowa
Friedlander, Lee - Lee Friedlander Portraits
Ginsberg, Allen - Photographs
Goldin, Nan - I'll Be Your Mirror
Gowin, Emmet - Emmet Gowin: Photographs
Greenfield, Lauren - Girl Culture
Goldin, Nan - I'll Be Your Mirror
Gowin, Emmet - Emmet Gowin: Photographs
Greenfield, Lauren - Girl Culture
Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy - Face to Face: Selected Portraits 1977-2005
Griffiths, Philip Jones - Dark Odyssey
Griffiths, Philip Jones - Dark Odyssey
Haas, Ernst - Color Photography
Halsman, Philppe - Philippe Halsman's Jump Book
Hujar, Peter - Portraits in Life and Death
Halsman, Philppe - Philippe Halsman's Jump Book
Hujar, Peter - Portraits in Life and Death
Keita, Seydou - Seydou Kieta
Kertész, André - Kertész on Kertész: A Self-Portrait
Killip, Chris - Here Comes Everybody: Chris Killip's Irish Photographs
Klein, William - Paris + Klein
Koch, Lewis - Touchless Automatic Wonder
Kuhn, Mona - Photographs
Kertész, André - Kertész on Kertész: A Self-Portrait
Killip, Chris - Here Comes Everybody: Chris Killip's Irish Photographs
Klein, William - Paris + Klein
Koch, Lewis - Touchless Automatic Wonder
Kuhn, Mona - Photographs
Lê, An-My - Small Wars
Leonard, Herman - The Eye of Jazz
Levitt, Helen and Agee, James - A Way of Seeing
Light, Michael - 100 Suns: 1945-1962
Lux, Loretta - Loretta Lux
Leonard, Herman - The Eye of Jazz
Levitt, Helen and Agee, James - A Way of Seeing
Light, Michael - 100 Suns: 1945-1962
Lux, Loretta - Loretta Lux
Mapplethorpe, Robert and Wolf, Sylvia - Mapplethorpe Polaroids
Mark, Mary Ellen - Twins
McCullin, Don - Shaped by War
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene - The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater and Other Figurative Photographs
Meyerowitz, Joel - A Summer's Day
Michaels, Duane - Album: The Portraits of Duane Michaels, 1958-1988
Misrach, Richard - Desert Cantos
Mark, Mary Ellen - Twins
McCullin, Don - Shaped by War
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene - The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater and Other Figurative Photographs
Meyerowitz, Joel - A Summer's Day
Michaels, Duane - Album: The Portraits of Duane Michaels, 1958-1988
Misrach, Richard - Desert Cantos
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Newman, Arnold - Arnold Newman: Five Decades
Papageorge, Tod - American Sports, 1970: Or How We Spent the War in Vietnam
Parr, Martin and Badger, Gerry - The Photobook: A History, volume I
Parr, Martin and Badger, Gerry - The Photobook: A History, volume II
Parr, Martin and Badger, Gerry - The Photobook: A History, volume III
Parr, Martin and Phillips, Sandra S. - Martin Parr
Penn, Irving - Irving Penn Portraits
Placy, Sylvia - Self Portrait with Cows Going Home
Plowden, David - Industrial Landscape
Porter, Eliot - Eliot Porter
Shahn, Ben - The Photgraphic Eye of Ben Shahn
Sherman, Cindy - The Complete Untitled Film Stills
Shimon, J. and Lindemann, J. - Unmasked & Anonymous: Shimon & Lindemann Consider Portraiture
Shore, Stephen - Uncommon Places: The Complete Works
Simon, Taryn - An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar
Simpson, Lorna - Lorna Simpson
Sheeler, Charles and Stebbins, Jr, Theodore E. and Keyes, Jr, Norman - Charles Sheeler: The Photographs
Steichen, Edward - The Family of Man
Stieglitz, Alfred - Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait
Stryker, Roy Emerson and Wood, Nancy - In this Proud Land: America 1935-1943, As Seen in the FSA Photographs
Szabo, Joseph - Teenage
Szarkowski, John - The Photographer's Eye
T matsu, Sh mei - Sh mei T matsu: Skin of the Nation
Tress, Arthur - Fantastic Voyage, Photographs 1956-2000
Parr, Martin and Badger, Gerry - The Photobook: A History, volume I
Parr, Martin and Badger, Gerry - The Photobook: A History, volume II
Parr, Martin and Badger, Gerry - The Photobook: A History, volume III
Parr, Martin and Phillips, Sandra S. - Martin Parr
Penn, Irving - Irving Penn Portraits
Placy, Sylvia - Self Portrait with Cows Going Home
Plowden, David - Industrial Landscape
Porter, Eliot - Eliot Porter
Richards, Eugene - Americans We: Photographs and Notes
Rizzuto, Angelo and Lesy, Michael - Angel's World: The New York Photographs of Angelo Rizzuto
Roma, Thomas - Sicilian Passage
Roth, Andrew - The Book of 101 Books: Seminal Photographs of the Twentieth Century
Rizzuto, Angelo and Lesy, Michael - Angel's World: The New York Photographs of Angelo Rizzuto
Roma, Thomas - Sicilian Passage
Roth, Andrew - The Book of 101 Books: Seminal Photographs of the Twentieth Century
Salgado, Sebasti
Schuman, Scott - The SartorialistShahn, Ben - The Photgraphic Eye of Ben Shahn
Sherman, Cindy - The Complete Untitled Film Stills
Shimon, J. and Lindemann, J. - Unmasked & Anonymous: Shimon & Lindemann Consider Portraiture
Shore, Stephen - Uncommon Places: The Complete Works
Simon, Taryn - An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar
Simpson, Lorna - Lorna Simpson
Sheeler, Charles and Stebbins, Jr, Theodore E. and Keyes, Jr, Norman - Charles Sheeler: The Photographs
Steichen, Edward - The Family of Man
Stieglitz, Alfred - Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait
Stryker, Roy Emerson and Wood, Nancy - In this Proud Land: America 1935-1943, As Seen in the FSA Photographs
Szabo, Joseph - Teenage
Szarkowski, John - The Photographer's Eye
T matsu, Sh mei - Sh mei T matsu: Skin of the Nation
Tress, Arthur - Fantastic Voyage, Photographs 1956-2000
Uelsmann, Jerry N. - Silver Meditations
Weston, Edward - Edward Weston's Book of Nudes
White, Minor - Minor White: The Eye That Shapes
Willis, Deborah - Posing Beauty: African American Images from the 1890s to the Present
Winogrand, Gerry and Szarkowski, John - Winogrand: Figments from the Real World
White, Minor - Minor White: The Eye That Shapes
Willis, Deborah - Posing Beauty: African American Images from the 1890s to the Present
Winogrand, Gerry and Szarkowski, John - Winogrand: Figments from the Real World