A Plot-holder and the Daughter of a Servant, Wheatlands Plots, Randfontein, September 1962
During his years spent traveling around the smallholdings of suburban South Africa, Goldblatt became increasingly, fascinated by the complex relationship between, black and white. On the one hand, he despaired at the racism of these Afrikaners, which seemed to him to be “in the blood”. Yet at the same time, there was an intimacy that would have been unthinkable in the liberal homes of the cities. On this plot, the servants’ children ran in and out of the “master’s” house. At one point he turned and said, “ Yes, what are you doing here you black rubbish?”. But he said it with affection.
From David Goldblatt 55 published by Phaidon
David Goldblatt (Phaidon 55s) Paperback – January 5, 2001by
"David Goldblatt began photographing in South Africa in the 1960s and his images have been described as 'acute in historical and political perception.' His body of work is a fascinating study of life in South Africa during and after apartheid, and reveals the system's origins, complexities and nuances." See also