Licht bouwen? [Text N. Verhoeven (firm's history). Photography Cas Oorthuys. Layout Jurriaan Schrofer].
Stichting Centrum Bouwen in Staal (Rotterdam)
Amsterdam, 1965, 7 b&w photographs / bedrijfsreportage en documentaire foto's / skeletbouw en silhouet van mensen, schakelpaneel en baby voor telraam, kasteel en façade van modern kantoorgebouw, winter- en zomerlandschap, werkende vrouw en straatbeeld, rijen tekentafels en rijen mensen., NN, Firmenschrift, Wirtschaft, Firmengeschichte - Photographie - Anthologie - Auftragsphotographie, commissioned photography - Nederland, Niederlande - 20. Jahrh.,
Wageningen UR Library
Bibliotheek Wageningen UR
Wageningen, 6708 GP Netherlands
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Rotterdam, 3062 PA Netherlands
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Den Haag, 2595 BE Netherlands
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Centrale Bibliotheek
University of Amsterdam, Central Library
Amsterdam, 1012 WP Netherlands
Jurriaan Schrofer-graphic Designer, Pioneer Of Photobooks
Jurriaan Schrofer was one of the trend setting graphic designers of the 1950s and ‘60s. Widely recognised for his photography books, the Dutch designer also created house styles, stamps, magazines, advertisements and typefaces. Schrofer played the role of adviser, art director, teacher, author and board member in the art world.
See for more Five Books about a Restless Typographer
Photographer Paul Huf Paul Huff: Highlights (English and Dutch Edition)
once commented succinctly on his work as follows: 'They get what they ask for, but I deliver damn good work' - the very thing that makes industrial photography books so attractive. The books show work from a period during which photographers could not make a living as artists/photographers and depended on such prestigious commissions. With this highly professional approach, photographers like Violette Cornelius Violette Cornelius and Ata Kando: Hungarian Refugees 1956
, Cas Oorthuys 75 Jaar Bouwen, Van ambacht tot industrie 1889-1964
, Ed van der Elsken , Ad Windig Het water - Schoonheid van ons land
and Paul Huf established their reputations and influenced our present-day impression of workers and entrepreneurs in the postwar Netherlands. Experimental poets and well-known writers also contributed to these books, fifty of which are on show. 'Het bedrijfsfotoboek 1945-1965. Professionalisering van fotografen in het moderne Nederland' Het Bedrijfsfotoboek 1945-1965