Because they open new worlds or the world around you transform it. Because they are so beautiful - and such fine Christmas gifts. Here they are: the fifteen best Dutch and the five best foreign books of 2016 according to the Volkskrant. It is emphatically not a top 15 and not a top-5.
Laura Hospes UCP
Wies den Ouden 1 december 1995
Samuel Otte De Val
Lana Mesic Clever Eyes
Anna den Drijver Enchanted Blossom
Bob Siers XXX Photographs from 2006 2016
Marleen Sleewits On the Soft Edge of Space
Robin de Puy If This True
Roe Ethridge Neighbors
Peter Helles Eriksen, Sara Brincher Galbiati, Thomas Selnaes Markussen Phenomena
Robin Hammond My Lagos
Gregory Halpern ZZYZX
Takashi Homma The Narcissistic City