Photobook Phenomenon
VicenC Villatoro
ISBN 10: 8417047050 / ISBN 13: 9788417047054
Published by Rm/Ccccb/Fundacion Foto Colectania
Hardcover. Dimensions: 10.2in. x 7.5in. x 1.0in.As the photobook becomes increasingly broadly recognized as a genre with its own rich history, canon and critical culture, Photobook Phenomenon surveys the views of those who have played a leading role in defining this genre: Martin Parr, Gerry Badger, Markus Schaden and Frederic Lezmi, Horacio Fernandez, Ryuichi Kaneko, Erik Kessels, Irene de Mendoza and Moritz Neumuller. In addition, it features various contemporary artists who have contributed a genuine vision to the medium and who discuss the creative processes involved in producing a photobook: Laia Abril, Julian Baron, Alejandro Cartagena, Jana Romanova, Vivianne Sassen, Thomas Sauvin i Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber. Photobook Phenomenon also explores the challenge of displaying a photobook through a number of interactive systems that make it possible to look through and experience the book and photography from diverse viewpoints.
Kajta Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Japanese Lesson. A Future Book
Autoedició, 2016
Jana Romanova
Shvilishvili (El fill del fill)
Autoedició, 2015
Thomas Sauvin
???? (Xian)
Autoedició, 2016
Laia Abril
Autoedició, 2016
Julián Barón
Autoedició, 2016
Alejandro Cartagena
Santa Barbara Return Jobs to US
Autoedició, 2016
Viaviane Sassen
Umbra (Ombra)
Autoedició, 2014
Estació Beta – Llibres de consulta
16 fotògrafs de Taiwan, Xina, Japó i Korea
Voice of Photography, Taipei, 2015
Masanao Abe i Helmut Volter
The Movement of Clouds around Mount Fuji
Spector Books, Leipzig, 2016
Valentina Abenavoli
Akina Books, Londres, 2016
Carlos Alba
The Observation of trifles
La Fábrica, Madrid, 2016
Toni Amengual
Autoeditat, Barcelona, 2015
Takashi Arai
Photo Gallery International, Tòquio, 2015
Shinya Arimoto
Tokyo Circulation
Zen Foto Gallery, Tòquio, 2016
Sofía Ayarzagoitia
Every night temo ser la dinner
La Fábrica, Madrid, 2016
Lisa Barnard
Hyenas of the battlefield, Machines in the Garden
GOST, Londres, 2014
Barbara Bosworth - Margot Anne Kelley
The Meadow
Radius Books, Santa Fe, 2016
Buen Javier
Autoeditat, 2016
David Campany
A handful of dust
MACK, Londres, 2015
Alejandro Cartagena
Santa Barbara Return Jobs Back To Us
Skinnerboox, Jesi, 2016
Pablo Casino
Dalpine, Madrid, 2016
Jon Cazenave
Ama Lur
Dalpine, Madrid, 2015
Bartolomeo Celestino
Surface Phenomena
Perimeter Editions, Melbourne , 2016
Joana Choumali
“Hââbré, the Last Generation”
Fourthwall Books, Johannesburg, 2016
Edmund Clark i Crofton Black
Negative Publicity: Artefacts of Extraordinary Rendition
Aperture, Nova York, 2016
CJ Clarke
Magic Party Place
Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2016
Stephen Chalmers
Autoeditat, Youngstown, 2016
Alejandro Chaskielberg
Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2015
Federico Clavarino
The Castle
Dalpine, Madrid, 2016
Marc Cohen
Édition Xavier Barral, París, 2016
Motoyuki Daifu
Still Life
Newfave, Tòquio, 2016
Salvi Danés
Autoeditat, Barcelona, 2015
Peter Dekens
The Eriskay Connection, Breda, 2016
Cristina de Middel
This Book is true - Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2016
Cai Dongdong
Jiazazhi Press, Ningbo, 2015
Diane Dufour and Matthew Witkovsky
Provoke - Between Protest and Performance
Steidl, Göttingen, 2016
JH Engstrom
Tout Va Bien
Aperture, Nova York, 2016
Francesco Faraci
Malacarne Kids Come First
Crowdbooks, Liorna, 2016
David Fathi
Skinnerboox, Jesi, 2016
Horacio Fernández, Laia Abril, Ramón Pez i Ramón Reverté
Miserachs Barcelona
MACBA - Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2015
Point of Lovely Sun
Editora Santa Rosa, Buenos Aires , 2016
Yoshikatsu Fuji
Red String
CeibaFoto, Siena, 2016
Fernando Fujimoto
KWY Ediciones, Lima, 2016
Masahisa Fukase
MACK, Londres, 2016
Paul Gaffney
Autoeditat, Dublin, 2016
Geert Goiris
Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2015
Lucía Gómez Meca
Autoeditat, Madrid, 2016
Yann Gross
The Jungle Book: Contemporary Stories of the Amazon and
Its Fringe
Aperture - Actes Sud - Editorial RM, Nova York - Arles -
Barcelona, 2016
Roger Guaus
Jo volia ser fotògraf
Ca l’Isidret Edicions, Barcelona, 2016
Gregory Halpern
MACK, Londres, 2016
Yuji Hamada
FW:Books, Amsterdam, 2015
Robin Hammond
My Lagos
Èditions Bessard, Paris, 2016
Claudia Heinermann
Autoeditat, Iserlohn, 2016
Jochem Hendricks
Revolutionäres Archiv
Buchhandlung Walther König, Colònia, 2015
Roc Herms
Terranova, Barcelona, 2015
Takashi Homma
The Narcissistic City
MACK, Londres, 2016
Mayumi Hosokura
Transparency is the New Mystery
MACK, Londres, 2016
Katrin Koennig i Sarker Protick
Astres Noirs
Chose Commune, París, 2016
Jungjin Lee
Unnamed Road
MACK, Londres, 2015
Lilia Li-Mi-Yan
Dienacht, Leipzig, 2015
Dana Lixemberg
Imperial Courts 1993-2015
Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2015
Nicola Lo Calzo
Kehrer Verlag, Heinsteinwerk, 2015
Ditte Lyngkaer Pedersen
Autoeditat, Aarhus, 2016
Sara Lena Maierhofer
“Dear Clark,”
Drittel Books, Berlin, 2016
Thomas Mailaender
Illustrated People
Archive of Modern Conflict-RVB Books, Londres-París, 2015
Marta Mantyka
Autoeditat, Oswiecim, 2015
Alejandro Marote
Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2015
Jan McCullogh
Home Instruction Manual
Verlag Kettler, Dortmund, 2016
Andrew Miksys
ARÖK, Vilnius, 2016
Vittorio Mortarotti
The First Day of Good Weather
Skinnerboox, Jesi, 2015
Kazuma Obara
Silent Histories
Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2015
Ciáran Óg Arnold
I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed. But all I could
do was to get drunk again
MACK, Londres, 2015
Hiroshi Okamoto
Reminders Photography Stronghold, Tòquio, 2015
Pablo Ortiz Monasterio
Nazraeli Press - Editorial RM, California - Barcelona, 2016
Miren Pastor
Autoeditat, Madrid, 2015
Christian Patterson
Bottom of the Lake
Buchhandlung Walther König, Colònia, 2015
André Penteado
Editora Madalena, São Paulo, 2015
Anders Petersen
André Frère Éditions -FIFV Ediciones, Roquevaire-
Valparaiso, 2016
Mafalda Rakoš
I want to disappear - Approaching Eating Disorders
Autoeditat, Viena, 2015
Juanan Requena
Al borde de todo mapa
Ediciones Anomalas, Barcelona, 2016
Massimilano Tommaso Rezza
Yardpress, Roma, 2015
Jeff L. Rosenheim
Diane Arbus – In the Beginning
Met Museum of Art, New York, 2016
Nigel Shafran
Dark Rooms
MACK, Londres, 2016
Dayanita Singh
Museum of Chance
Steidl, Göttingen, 2015
Alec Soth
MACK, Londres, 2015
Carlos Spottorno and Guillermo Abril
La Grieta
Astiberri Ediciones, Bilbao, 2016
Maximilian Stejskal
Folklig Idrott
Editions Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2016
Kate Stone & Hannah Schneider
How We End
Autoeditat, Nova York/Los Angeles, 2016
Jock Sturges
Steidl, Göttingen, 2014
Wong Suk-ki, Hsu Wai Lun, Matthew Kwan and So Lai Ping
A Living Space: The Homes of Pak Sha O
The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation, Hong Kong, 2015
Daniel Traub, Wu Yongfu and Zeng Xianfang
Little North Road: Africa in China
Kehrer Verlag, Heinsteinwerk, 2015
Shoji Ueda
Chose Commune, París, 2016
Misha Vallejo
Al otro lado
Editora Madalena, São Paulo, 2016
Sébastien Van Malleghem
André Frère Éditions, Roquevaire, 2015
Yvonne Venegas
Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2015
Javier Viver
Révélations. Iconographie de la Salpetriere. Paris 1875-1918
Editorial RM, Barcelona, 2015
Cheng Xinhao
The Naming of a River
Jiazazhi Press, Ningbo, 2016
Vasantha Yoganathan
Early Times
Chose Commune, París, 2016
Daisuke Yokota, Naohiro Utagawa, Koji Kitagawa
Spew II
Spew Editions, Tòquio, 2016
Chen Zhe
Bees & The Bearable
Jiazazhi Press, Ningbo, 2016
Julián Barón
These images account for the meeting between Julián and the archive that Yuyachkani theatre group disposes for the public at the entrance of Sin título, técnica mixta [Untitled, mixed media], a production that questions the construction of Peruvian historical memory. The archive invites us to delve into newspaper clippings, photographs, school books, artistic images and other documents before entering the room where the scenic action takes place. The entire production examines the Guerra del Pacífico (1873-1889) and the Conflicto Armado Interno (1980-2000), two wars that define Peru’s republican era and reveal the history of the country’s fractures.
Memorial is a series of photocopies marked by the manual manipulation of each of its documents. Traces, decompositions, creases, slippings, glazings, grain degradation, fragments, inversions, double exposure. Its title leads us directly to the process of establishing certain things -events, characters, symbols- that define our shared history. However, this series inquires about the relation between the images of war and the concrete forms taken by two very different kinds of social abstractions: national symbols and money. The former quickly lose their shape, disfiguring the limits of the mental space in which Peru has been represented throughout its history; the latter makes its entrance about halfway through the series –when Túpac Amaru clashes against the dollar–, soon to saturate the entire space of the paper.
“Money was invented so that people wouldn’t have to look each other in the eyes” (Godard, Film Socialisme), in the same way that national symbols seek to ensure the permanence of the imagined community. In both cases they function through misrecognition. That is, as a way of ensuring that, despite what we see and perceive directly, an ideal space where all contradictions are resolved takes place. The map –which here depicts the representational space where we introduce fictions, rather than the actual geographical reality– and the bills –as a daily replacement for the map that places those same fictions in our hands– teach us how to look away from the decomposition of social bonds caused by both wars. Precisely what is addressed throughout the rest of the series.
Images appear amidst the national myth and its monetary form that define what we should disregard in order to sustain the fiction of a country with no fractures. Many of the documents refer to our most recent war, pointing out that the establishment of official narratives and their imagery, where heroes and villains are defined as such, is a process that marks our present. A dispute that remains unfinished –and probably will never be solved– but that, for many, is not really happening. Despite this, both Fujimori and Abimael appear as two personifications of war, where they are confronted less as a contradiction than as a synthesis. One and the other, after all, aimed to become the face of the nation, to be printed on bills that allow us to avoid each other’s eyes. The problem Memorial faces –much like Yuyachkani’s production– is how to imagine a way out of the symbolic conundrum we find ourselves in. A way out that overcomes those social forms of misrecognition (emblems, money) and comes to terms with the contradictions that we share. Perhaps the only thing we really share.
Mijail Mitrovic