Author:SM 1977.
Publisher:Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1977
Description:Stiff illustrated wrappers (softcover), 27,5 x 20,5 cms., 30 pp., phot. illustrations in black and white by Bert Gomez, Bernard Plossu, Klaus Rittersbusch, Ugo Mulas, Yakov Rosenblatt, Roger Lautru, Masaaki Nagakawa, Duane Michals, Paul de Nooyer, Les Krims a.o..
Note:Typogr. design Wim Crouwel a.o. (Total Design). Cat. SM Nr. 608.
The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam is one of the highest rated and appreciated museums during the 50's and 60's for introducing new and upcoming artists in Europe. Cobra, action painting, Arte Povera, Zero and many other artists had their first major (European) exhibitions held in the Stedelijk Museum. In many cases the museum published beautiful and highly collectable catalogues with these exhibitions. Designed by Sandberg and Crouwel these publications are among the best and most collectable from these decades.