Peress, Gilles (Photographer) & Stover, Eric (Author)
ISBN 10: 3931141764 / ISBN 13: 9783931141769
Published by Zurich, Switzerland: Scalo Publishers, 1998
1st Printing. 334 pages. Published in 1998. Landmark collection of photographs. One of the most important photography books of our time. The First Hardcover Edition. Precedes and should not be confused with all other subsequent editions. Published in a small and limited print run as a hardcover original only. The First Edition is now scarce. A brilliant production by Gilles Peress: Regular-sized volume format. Pictorial hard boards with bold red titles on cover and spine, as issued. Photographs by Gilles Peress. Text by Eric Stover. Printed on pristine-white, thick coated stock paper in Zurich, Switzerland to the highest standards. In publisher's original shrinkwrap. Without DJ, as issued. Presents Gilles Peress'"The Graves: Srebrenica And Vukovar". The most valuable photographic record of the Bosnian genocide. Gilles Peress has become world-famous as the restless, on-the-scene photojournalist par excellence. His mission as a photographer takes him everywhere and makes him the risk-taking photographer people have come to call the "concerned" or "militant" photographer, like Robert Capa, his predecessor, James Nachtwey and the courageous members of Magnum, his peers. Whereas a photographer like Sebastiao Salgado is concerned with the displacement of large numbers of Mankind because of globalization, Peress' concern is the permanent displacement of large numbers of Mankind because of war, in all its unprecedented violence, unbelievable savagery, and unbearable tragedy. Many photographers captured the Bosnian genocide perpetrated by the Serb majority against the Muslim minority, which the world watched unravel, helpless and unable to stop the butchery and bloodshed. Peress was there, risking his own life once again, to commit to posterity an atrocity that was nothing less than yet another crime against humanity. The tragedy of Srebrenica and Vukovar is that it happened with the unwitting cooperation of the United Nations: It is now an established fact that UNPROFOR, under its Dutch commander, handed over to the Serbs 5000 boys and men, who were all promptly buried alive, shot, tortured, "disappeared", and never heard from again. The graves into which their bodies were dumped remain the only "witness" to the genocide, and Peress was determined to record them. An absolute "must-have" title for Gilles Peress collectors. This title is a contemporary photography classic. This is one of few copies of the First Hardcover Edition/First Printing still available online, is still in the publisher's original shrinkwrap, and is in especially fine condition: Clean, crisp, and bright, a pristine beauty. A scarce copy thus. Gilles Peress'"Telex Iran" was selected as one of the greatest photography books in "The Photobook". One of the greatest photojournalists of our time.
See also Review: The Graves by Eric Stover and Gilles Peress
By Joerg Colberg
Sep 27, 2012